Sunday, October 19, 2008

UANA Wireless Certificates available

I think. Connect to UANA-Setup and go through it's suggested steps. At one point, it will start advising that if you're using Windows you should use Internet Explorer to download a certificate. On that page, there is a link for Firefox/Opera/Other users to get the certificate. In Firefox, click the link, and you will be prompted about a certificate. Examine the certificate, which should come up with a window with some tabs. On one of the tabs, there is a button at the bottom called Export, which can be used to save the certificate. Click that, and you'll get a save dialog box. Clicking the Advanced or browse or whatever button will also show the type of file you're saving, which for Ubuntu needs to be an X509 PEM format. Is this the right certificate? Maybe, but I don't have the time today (or this week) to check, so someone else can.

Also, looks like Intel wireless cards iwl4965 & iwl3945 can't connect with Linux to UANA, due to the particular authentication method in use.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wireless Access Maps

Map of wireless access at UTas in July 2008's ITR Insight; Sandy Bay on page 5; Newnham on page 6: